Friday, 17 July 2009

JAPE grammar tutorial

We are pleased to share the JAPE grammar tutorial we have designed here at Press Association Images, UK. The tutorial can be accessed by clicking here. It is a Zip file including tutorial in PDF formant and few support files.

Please send your comments through this blog...

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Converting from one version of semantic data to another (.N3, N-Triples, RDF/XML, OWL)

I have found a very useful little tool that allows converting data (schema/instaces) to and from .N3, N-Triples, RDF/XML and OWL. This utility is particularly handy when your RDF stores accepts schemas in particular format only (in majority of cases N3/N-Triples). Here is the link to the tool and syntax which allows you to do so ( It took me sometime to find the exact syntax so I hope it will save some of your time).

syntax to convert from RDF/OWL to N3.

python --rdf file-to-be-converted.owl --n3 > file-as-output.n3

or even better....
you can use Protege :)
Open .owl file in protege and go to File -> SaveAs and save it as .N3 or turtle. So easy, isnt it?